City Scape

01 Business & Organization Context

  • Keynote Address - The Value of Asset Management

    BoK Content Type: 
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2017
    Original date: 
    Saturday, October 7, 2017
    In this presentation that was given as a keynote at MainTrain 2017, John Hardwick explains how the data captured while we are managing maintenance can be leveraged by the business to make critical high-level asset management decisions. The presentation makes very clear the distinction between "managing assets" and "asset management" and illustrates the interrelationships between them. 
  • Debunking Risk Resiliency by Implementing a Risk-Based Maintenance Strategy

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2017
    Original date: 
    Tuesday, April 18, 2017
    Due largely to the release of ISO55000x:2014 family of standards, Asset Management is gaining worldwide acceptance as a valid business practice for asset-intensive organizations. The challenge that organizations now face is how to operationalize the principles and move it from “being understood in theory” to being “the way that we work”, to truly distill effective asset management practices and principles to the nooks and crannies of the organization. One key tenet of ISO55000x is the management of asset risk at all levels of asset interaction. On the other side, one area that has been struggling to understand asset management beyond maintenance management is the traditional Maintenance Department. This paper will capture the steps that Veolia North America is taking one of its Municipal Clients through to understand risk at the more granular levels and build risk resilience into its maintenance strategy.Yet for the average Maintenance Manager, the challenge of interpreting asset risk for the organization is still uncharted waters. There are several ways in which the traditional Maintenance Manager can understand the wide breadth of risks facing the asset, determine appropriate responses and communicate them to the appropriate stakeholders. In fact, one or more of these may already be in place in the organization but may not be seen as building risk resilience. This presentation will explore one methodology used by Veolia to develop an asset-centric, risk-based Maintenance Strategy at the City of Winnipeg’s, Waste Water Treatment Plants using a Maintenance Management Maturity Assessment.The City of Winnipeg’s Waste Water Department is at a very interesting juncture in its history, in that there are several major capital upgrades being undertaken, whilst the plants continue to run. The goal of the Maintenance Strategy is therefore two-fold. To maintain the existing levels of service at least whole life cost with risk balanced against the cost of meeting objectives, whilst ensuring that there is a plan to maximise maintenance for the future asset base to realise the benefit of the investment over the whole life of the assets. As a result, in 2016, in collaboration with its selected O&M improvement partner, Veolia North America, the City of Winnipeg’s Waste Water Treatment Plants, went on a path of discovery. Two significant tools of investigation were employed: 1. An Asset Management Maturity Assessment was conducted and 2. The City participated in the National Waste Water Benchmarking Initiative (NWWBI) Maintenance Task Force Survey implemented by AECOM. The Asset Management Maturity Assessment examined 8 fundamental areas of Maintenance Management and outlined positions of excellence that the City hoped to achieve both at the 1-year and 3-year mark from the date of assessment with 2017 being Year 1. The NWWBI Maintenance Task Force Survey examined 42 granular yet, over-lapping areas of Maintenance Management, with 18 of them reporting significant gaps for the City’s Waste Water Treatment Plants. The results of the two analyses were combined into eight (8) key Objectives and the underlying activities required to achieving them over the next three (3) years. These eight (8) Objectives are: 1. Implementation of Asset Condition Assessment Plan (ACAP) 2. Inventory Management Optimization Plan (IMOP) 3. Work Organization Improvement Plan (WOIP) 4. Implementation of Maintenance Quality Strategy (MQS) 5. Financial Capability Improvement Plan (FCIP) 6. Asset Registry Improvement Plan (ARIP) 7. Implementation of Document Management (DM) 8. Revision and Implementation of Asset Criticality Model (ACM)This presentation will examine the detailed plans for each objective, the inter-connectivity and alignment of the Objectives, the Road Map for the next 3 years, the processes for monitoring and continual improvement and the benefits of implementing this approach. Presented at MainTrain 2017 
  • Case Study: Lean Six Sigma in Maintenance Optimization

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2017
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, April 12, 2017
    Application of Lean Six Sigma methodology in the optimization of maintenance execution by using data and facts.    As always, equipment maintainability plays an important role in uptime. Besides the reduction of failure rates, the quick recovery from those failures or the successful execution of scheduled activities makes a considerable difference in availability indicators. The application of Lean tools and Six Sigma analysis contributes to the improvement of maintenance execution by applying the 5 steps of Lean Six Sigma methodology (Define, Measure, Analyze, Implement and Control) and using the tools associated with them. This presentation will discuss Lean Six Sigma theory, basic principles of the methodology and case studies showing the use of tools. Case 1 will illustrate the application of Lean Six Sigma in scheduled preventive maintenance for slurry pumps operating in the oil sands industry. Case 2 will examine how the use of Six Sigma analysis reduced the corrosion rate of tubes in a bank of 12 heat exchangers shell and tube type, which heat diluted bitumen upstream of a distillation tower. Both cases emphasize the importance of using data and facts to make decisions, including front end personnel, and the sustainment of implemented solutions. Presented at MainTrain 2017 
  • Organizational Alignment

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    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2017
    Original date: 
    Thursday, April 6, 2017
    Effective maintenance plays a crucial role in today’s business. In order to manage costs, organizations attempt to get the most from their people and assets. Effective alignment between departments can dramatically improve asset reliability, reduce operation and maintenance costs and improve the effectiveness of the workforce.This presentation is intended to provide participants with the information and awareness they need to manage assets effectively. The need of cooperation between the operations and maintenance departments, as well as other departments such as supply chain will be discussed. Employees require more than high level principles; they must understand their role and how effective cooperation at all levels will provide value to the on-going operations, thereby allowing the business to remain profitable. Further, the presentation will examine the concept of Operational Excellence as the beginning of a transformation to a planned culture throughout the entire organization. Key to this topic is confirming who is in charge. Is the asset dictating how things should be done or are the people running it in charge?Asset management professionals often find themselves challenged by competing priorities in an effort to keep the system running. This session follows how maintenance tasks are initiated with work prioritization being a key element. Various roles will be discussed as well as the importance of scheduling and getting everyone on board with the schedule. Potential subtopics tailored to time restrictions: (1) Why do planned maintenance? (2) Cost of a break-in event, (3) Risk-based work selection, (4) Screening and approval of work, (5) Operators role in maintenance, (6) Operations, maintenance and supply chain departments’ role in scheduling, (7) Operations and maintenance coordination and roles, and (8) Managing the daily work list.  Presented at MainTrain 2017 
  • Developing a Leadership Mindset: The Journey from Operations to Supervisor Thinking

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2017
    Original date: 
    Friday, March 17, 2017
    Often people who are good at their jobs at the operations level are promoted to supervisory positions without much thought about how to equip them for success in the new role. The mentality of “sink or swim” has been proven contrary to how people actually learn on the job. So what can you do to up skill your supervisors? What can you do to assist supervisors with transitioning from hourly, operational thinking to salaried leadership thinking? The key lies in knowing how to develop leadership using on-the-job coaching, training and mentorship. When approached strategically and thoughtfully, organizations can effectively equip supervisors to see themselves as part of the management team, develop the skills and confidence to take charge and lead their teams effectively. Presented at MainTrain 2017 
  • Cut Fat off your Production Lines but Keep the Flesh and Bone

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2016
    Original date: 
    Thursday, September 22, 2016
    Sustaining asset performance while managing quality of production with reduced production costs is like keeping your balance while walking on a high-wire. When the market sets the sales price and the shareholders sets the net profit expectations, the only choice left is decreasing production costs. Labor-cost appears to many managers as an easy target when cutting costs. On the contrary, investing in improving the labor qualifications can result in higher efficiency and by default lower costs. The market is pushing organizations who are looking for sustaining or improving profits in this direction, including the steel industry that also faces this challenge. How do organizations select optimum production levels, minimum manpower numbers in order to sustain their productivity and profitability while maintaining a flexibility in following the market demands? The short answer is "do more for less". However, it is not an easy task. The Target is to demonstrate this situation and the analysis that has been done at Rajhisteel, where  the results are promising so far. Planning to upgrade the QMS to ISO 9001:2015 will help the organization improve and shift the focus to sustainability and effectiveness.
  • Integrating Asset Management into Your Organization Culture

    BoK Content Type: 
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    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2016
    Original date: 
    Thursday, September 22, 2016
    Many organizations have embarked on asset management programs and struggle to implement best in class practices, find it difficult to sustain the new ways of working and find it difficult to demonstrate the return on the investment in AM.  Success in Asset Management (AM)  Development and Sustenance of the AM Program depends of effective Change Leadership throughout the program. It requires a focus on the following areas:1. Program and Steering Team Charters2. Comprehensive Business Case3. Comprehensive Project Management  Plan4. An AM Framework and Policy that provides a clear vision for AM5. A Leading Change Plan (and an effective issue management process)6. Communications Plan7. Tracking and Reporting of BenefitsThis presentation will provide practical guidance to people who are embarking on an AM Program, in the throes of implementing one or trying to sustain the new way of working. Participants will hear abut real case studies where challenges in the areas listed above were successfully managed.
  • Maintenance and Manufacturing Hiring Intelligence

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2016
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, September 21, 2016
    Identifying and hiring talented technical employees in the manufacturing industry is not an easy task for Maintenance, Operations and HR leaders. In today's manufacturing economy, automation and computerization have taken over vast sections of the industry leaving technical employees to hold greater control over assembly assets and making more decisions about how to deploy, manage, and maintain equipment.   Manufacturers need to hire talented technical employees that have multi skills abilities to do many jobs and that have the capability to adjust, repair and troubleshoot various type of equipment. Relying on a good CV, past experience and a good academic background is no longer adequate. In order to solve this issue, innovative maintenance, operation and HR executives are now turning into "hands on" and troubleshooting simulation mechanical and electrical assessments prior to hire to get talented technical employees.In this presentation, you will see and learn:- How leaders includes mechanical and electrical simulator assessments in their hiring process to get the data they needs for making smart hiring decisions.- The accuracy and validation testing factors of the simulator technology based on scientific researches.- How to save costs by delegating more maintenance responsibilities to your employees- Case studies, results, returns and gains made at specific manufacturing companies
  • Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks: Supervisory Leadership Transformation Case Studies

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2016
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, September 21, 2016
    Most front line lead hands or supervisors are appointed to their positions because they are good at their jobs. But how often do they get management training to work effectively with people and build their teams? This presentation highlights five companies who invested in front line supervisor in-person leadership training to work effectively with diverse workforces. It describes their struggles, successes and explains what works to transform "good workers" into "inspired, confident team leaders".
  • Nova Scotia Power Equipment Integrity Through PdM and RBI

    BoK Content Type: 
    Presentation Slides
    Presentation Paper
    BoK Content Source: 
    MainTrain 2016
    Original date: 
    Wednesday, September 21, 2016
    A practical and efficient condition based maintenance (CBM) program is built of two fundamental elements-one for rotating and dynamic assets in the adopted term of a (PdM) or Predictive Maintenance program and one for static assets known as Risk Based Inspection (RBI) program. This presentation will highlight these NSPI asset management programs for monitoring the state and reporting condition based (CBM) deficiencies on our physical assets. The discussion will review the development, management, integration and day-to-day application of our PdM/RBI programs including tools and techniques for VA, IR, MCA, HEP/FAC inspections and more. Participants will also discuss the general journey to condition monitoring for equipment over the thermal fleet. NSPI consciously chose innovative vendors, technologies and techniques. The audience will learn what challenges it faced internally and externally. The differences between how the CBM programs are integrated into our business today as opposed to piecemeal prior to AM program implementation starting in 2012.