City Scape


  • PEMAC Relaunches CAMA2 Exam Preparation Course


  • GFMAM Publishes 3rd Edition of the Asset Landscape Document


  • Maintenance Makes the World a Better Place

    Open call as part of the first Global Maintenance Day on 9 June 

    Today, we are living in a high-tech society. In Europe, about 6 million people work in a technical maintenance function on machine parks worth around € 10.000 billion. According to estimates, € 450 billion is spent annually on industrial maintenance across all sectors.

  • PEMAC attends GFMAM Bi-Annual Meeting and AMPEAK Conference


  • Global Recognition for PEMAC's AMP and MMP Education Offerings

  • Free GFMAM Tools for learning about relevant Asset Management indicators


  • Update: May 2021 GFMAM Meetings


    For over 10 years GFMAM has maintained a pace of two major meetings every year which typically span three working days and are held in conjunction with attendance and contributions to a member’s conference. 

  • PEMAC's New AM Certifications receive Accreditation from the WPiAM

    PEMAC New Asset Management Certifications receive Accreditation from the WPiAM

  • A Major Accomplishment in Global Collaboration

    PEMAC and the World Partners in Asset Management will be launching the long awaited GCS Soon

  • PEMAC represents Canada at the Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management.


    The face-to-face meeting scheduled for the first half of 2020 was originally intended to be hosted in Brighton, UK from June 22 - 26, 2020 concurrent with the Institute of Asset Management (IAM) annual conference.