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WPiAM Tech Team Reps

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The World Partners in Asset Management (WPiAM) Technical Team ensures that the question set for the CAMA exam remains current with the latest versions of ISO 5500x and the GFMAM Landscape, evaluates self-assessments of existing certifications and AM training for technical compliance and content against the Global Certification Scheme (GCS) requirements, and supports new initiatives focused on AM competency.

Members of the Technical Team come from each of the WPiAM members associations: ABRAMAN (Brazil), Asset Management Council (AMC) of Australia, Gulf States Maintenance and Reliability Association (GSMR), Japanese Association of Asset Management (JAAM), PEMAC Asset Management Association of Canada, and Southern African Asset Management Association (SAAMA).

The following individuals represent PEMAC as members of the WPiAM Technical Team.

Learn more about PEMAC's involvement with WPiAM.

Tonnie Trim

Asset Management Consultant

Pravin Mahadeo

Asset Manager
Regional District of Nanaimo

Ian Reid

Plant Maintenance Reliability Specialist
ArcelorMittal Dofasco