City Scape


  • Introducing Our New Staff

    Executive Director:

    Cindy Snedden, P. Eng

    Cindy is a mechanical engineer with a hands-on background in upstream oil and gas production. She also holds a graduate diploma in Instructional Design and worked for 9 years as an industrial training coordinator in Northern Alberta.

  • Ontario Skills Initiative Fund

    On August 31st PEMAC submitted a proposal to the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities for a "Skills Initiative Funding" project directed towards education and training in the field of Asset Management.

  • Member Spotlight: Greg Engman, MMP

    Since the mid 80's Greg has been in planning, scheduling, and management types of roles with titles like Maintenance Foreman, Management of Change Coordinator, Equipment Reliability Technician, and involved both in troubleshooting existing plants and in commissioning and startup of new facilities.

  • For Members - new "Knowledge Sharing" page in the Login area

    There is now a 'Knowledge Sharing' page on the login area of the website where we have posted a few items that we think you might be interersted in. 

  • We have hit the 800 member mark!

    PEMAC has been experiencing steady growth this year. We are excited to announce that as of this week we have 800 current members.

  • Introducing Group Insurance Plan

  • MT Magazine

    We thank the staff of "MT Magazine" for their help this week. Did you know that you can subscribe to this magazine for free?

  • January PEMACTION Now Online

    The 1st issue of the PEMAC Newsletter for 2012 features a letter from the Executive Director, a new member profile and the latest in the series of 'member to member' columns. 

    Go to: to read more.

  • Norm Clegg Photo

    Executive Director Report

    Looking back at 2011

    2011 was a challenging year for PEMAC, but one that saw significant growth and improvement in most areas – membership, joining a global society, global recognition of our education and certification program, increasing the number of teaching institutions in the MMP program, bringing to three the universities offering MMP, developing and producing three MainTra

  • Member to Member Column

    Mega Growth Projects: Challenges To Maintenance & Reliability Functions and Integration 

    by Sridhar Ramakrishnan, P.Eng, MMP