City Scape


  • Member Spotlight: New Article By Erika Mazza


  • MainTrain 2018 MRO Roundtable Insights

    The December 2018 issue of Machinery & Equipment Magazine includes an article about the MRO Round Table event at MainTrain 2018.

    At the recent PEMAC MainTrain Conference held in Ottawa, MRO Magazine engaged a cross section of maintenance, reliability and asset management professionals in a round-table discussion. 

  • Happy New Year!

    Since 2014 the staff, Board of Directors, chapter leadership teams and committee volunteers have been working steadily towards a vision that was described in the strategic plan (see below).

  • Événement de réseautage à Montréal - un succès!


    Recently maintenance, reliability and asset management professionals met in Montréal for networking and knowledge sharing, and to gather interest for a possible Montreal Chapter. This event was hosted by PEMAC and attended by professionals from varied backgrounds in asset management profession.

  • Recap - GTA Chapter Professional Development and Tour


    On the 29th of November, the GTA chapter professional development event was held at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. The goal of the event was to develop the knowledge of PEMAC associated professionals while giving them the opportunity to network among the local community.

  • Networking Event in Montreal - A Success!


    Recently maintenance, reliability and asset management professionals met in Montreal for networking and knowledge sharing, and to gather interest for a possible Montreal Chapter. This event was hosted by PEMAC and attended by professionals from varied backgrounds in asset management profession.

  • Comminqué - GFMAM Meetings Orlando October 2018

    The nineteenth face-to-face Council meeting of the Global Forum on Maintenance and Asset Management (GFMAM) was hosted in Orlando, USA by the Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) from October 21st to 26th, 2018 in conjunction with the SMRP annual conference.

  • Board of Directors 2018 Election - Call for Nominations


    Are you passionate about the maintenance and asset management profession?

    Do you have opinions to share about how to extend or improve the impact of PEMAC?

    Are you willing to work as part of a team to contribute to the achievement of the PEMAC vision and mission?

  • Anonymous members at the conference

    MainTrain 2018 - Looking back


    MainTrain 2018 was a great success!

    The attendees, the speakers, exhibitors and our sponsors gave us a week to remember for a long time. We have gathered some images and video that highlights the week's events.

    MainTrain 2018 Gallery

  • 2018 Capstone Award Winners Announced: Striving for Organizational Improvement

    The Plant Engineering & Maintenance Association of Canada (PEMAC) is pleased to announce the winners of the 2018 Capstone Awards. Initiated in 2013, these awards recognize excellence in the Maintenance Management Professional (MMP) program and brand new this year, the Asset Management Professional (AMP) Program.